our motto

I look forward to stand the beside the helpless patients and create awareness among Hospital authority,doctors, nurses, and patients. Keeping this in mind, I have opened a website which could help to identify the unidentified patients by keeping their photos and updates on them. This web address could also be considered as a common platform for thous who want to serve selflessly like me.I do strongly believe. Love can spreads across the world through human hearts and hands. Please extend your hand & heart to the Humanity. Long live Humanity.

আমার মিশন

আমার মিশন হল হাসপাতালে অসহায়, নিঃস্ব, স্বজনহীন রোগীদের পাশে থেকে সেবা করা এবং তাদেরকে তাদের নিকট আত্মীয় স্বজনের কাছে ফিরিয়ে দেয়া। তাছাড়া হাসপাতাল কর্তৃপক্ষ, ডাক্তার ও সেবক সেবিকাদের মধ্যে এধরনের রোগীদের ব্যাপারে সচেতনতা বৃদ্ধি করা।



Our Programs

Please extend your hand & heart to the Humanity.Long live Humanity

Our Causes

There is a tragic story behind this selfless voluntary service. My father died from kidney failure in 2007. We could not give him proper treatment for money. My elder brothers maintained the family with there little income with lots of hardship and could not afford to continue my fathers treatment. I was a poor 1st year student at that time and could not contribute to my fathers treatment . We knew my father’s both the kidneys were going to be damaged gradually but I could not do anything for his treatment. My father was dying day by day in front of my eyes. Some relatives advised me to take him to the towns for treatment, but I could not afford that. I went to cry in secret, alone. I was baffled and literally broken. Finding no way, I had joined in a garments factory with a low salary but could not save my father, he died without treatment. I lost my father for money just for money.

From then, I had made up my mind and determined to do my best to save the life of helpless. I look forward to stand the beside the helpless patients and create awareness among Hospital authority,doctors, nurses, and patients.